Monday, May 9, 2011

Im Back!!!!! Day One Sourdough Starter

Alright, the move is finally complete and my kitchen stuff is out of the box. My new kitchen digs are pretty sweet and far larger and sunnier than my old place. Back to bread making. I squeezed in a quick sausage making session mid-move to provide some sweet meats for a birthday party, but i haven't really had a chance to do any bread. Im feeling like sourdough right now, I had a really good spelt/rye sourdough loaf from an organic farm near Morin-Heights, so im going to make a natural starter or barm starter. In this starter im going to let naturally occurring yeasts all around us find a nice home in my dough sponge and produce a lovely fermenty sourdough 5 days from now. So its going to be a daily caring session for my starter until she's ready to make beautiful bread. Sourdough is used very frequently in German breads as it goes very well with rye and makes for a far more complex flavored a big fan. 

Sourdough Tunes: Death, Human (1991)

Day One
-1 cup Stone Ground Whole Wheat Flour
-1 cup Raisin Water (1 cup of  raisins soaked in 2 cups water for 15 minutes, from that strained water take 1 cup)  
-1 tsp. Honey
-1 tbsp. Barley Malt Powder or Liquid (found in beer and wine making stores and some health food or bulk food stores)

Mix ingredients thoroughly in a clean glass bowl (or any other type of bowl except aluminium), cover with cling film and let sit in a cool place for 24 hours.

Day 1

1 comment:

  1. Happy to see the bread and sausage adventure continue!
